Source code for py_yaml_fixtures.fixtures_loader

import contextlib
import jinja2
import networkx as nx
import os
import yaml

from collections import defaultdict
from faker import Faker
from typing import *

from .factories import FactoryInterface
from .types import Identifier
from .utils import normalize_identifiers, random_model, random_models

MULTI_CLASS_FILENAMES = {'fixtures.yml', 'fixtures.yaml'}

[docs]class FixturesLoader: """ The factory "driver" class. Does most of the hard work of loading fixtures, leaving the responsibility of model instantiation up to the factory class passed in. :param factory: An instance of the concrete factory to use for creating models :param fixture_dirs: A list of directory paths to load fixtures templates from :param env: An optional jinja environment (the default one will include faker as a template global, but if you want to customize its tags/filters/etc, then you need to create an env yourself - the correct loader will be set automatically for you) """ def __init__(self, factory: FactoryInterface, fixture_dirs: List[str], env: Optional[jinja2.Environment] = None): self.env = self._ensure_env(env) """The Jinja Environment used for rendering the yaml template files.""" factory.loader = self self.factory = factory """The factory instance.""" self.fixture_dirs = fixture_dirs """A list of directories where fixture files should be loaded from.""" self.relationships = {} """A dict keyed by model name where values are a list of related model names.""" self.model_fixtures = defaultdict(dict) """A dict of models names to their semi-processed data from the yaml files.""" self._cache = {} self._loaded = False
[docs] def create_all(self, progress_callback: Optional[callable] = None) -> Dict[str, object]: """ Creates all the models discovered from fixture files in :attr:`fixtures_dir`. :param progress_callback: An optional function to track progress. It must take three parameters: - an :class:`Identifier` - the model instance - and a boolean specifying whether the model was created :return: A dictionary keyed by identifier where the values are model instances. """ if not self._loaded: self._load_data() # build up a directed acyclic graph to determine the model instantiation order dag = nx.DiGraph() for model_class_name, dependencies in self.relationships.items(): dag.add_node(model_class_name) for dep in dependencies: dag.add_edge(model_class_name, dep) try: creation_order = reversed(list(nx.topological_sort(dag))) except nx.NetworkXUnfeasible: raise Exception('Circular dependency detected between models: ' ', '.join(['{a} -> {b}'.format(a=a, b=b) for a, b in nx.find_cycle(dag)])) # create or update the models in the determined order rv = {} for model_class_name in creation_order: for identifier_key, data in self.model_fixtures[model_class_name].items(): identifier = Identifier(model_class_name, identifier_key) data = self.factory.maybe_convert_values(identifier, data) self._cache[identifier_key] = data model_instance, created = self.factory.create_or_update(identifier, data) if progress_callback: progress_callback(identifier, model_instance, created) rv[identifier_key] = model_instance self.factory.commit() return rv
[docs] def convert_identifiers(self, identifiers: Union[Identifier, List[Identifier]]): """ Convert an individual :class:`Identifier` to a model instance, or a list of Identifiers to a list of model instances. """ if not identifiers: return identifiers def _create_or_update(identifier): data = self._cache[identifier.key] return self.factory.create_or_update(identifier, data)[0] if isinstance(identifiers, Identifier): return _create_or_update(identifiers) elif isinstance(identifiers, list) and isinstance(identifiers[0], Identifier): return [_create_or_update(identifier) for identifier in identifiers] else: raise TypeError('`identifiers` must be an Identifier or list of Identifiers.')
def _load_data(self): """ Load all fixtures from :attr:`fixtures_dir` """ filepaths = [] model_identifiers = defaultdict(list) # attempt to load fixture files from given directories (first pass) # for each valid model fixture file, read it into the cache and get the # list of identifier keys from it for fixtures_dir in self.fixture_dirs: for filename in os.listdir(fixtures_dir): filepath = os.path.join(fixtures_dir, filename) file_ext = filename[filename.find('.')+1:] # make sure it's a valid fixture file if os.path.isfile(filepath) and file_ext in {'yml', 'yaml'}: filepaths.append(filepath) with open(filepath) as f: self._cache[filepath] = # preload to determine identifier keys with self._preloading_env() as env: rendered_yaml = env.get_template(filepath).render() data = yaml.load(rendered_yaml, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) if data: if filename in MULTI_CLASS_FILENAMES: for class_name in data: model_identifiers[class_name] = list( data[class_name].keys()) else: class_name = filename[:filename.rfind('.')] model_identifiers[class_name] = list(data.keys()) # second pass where we can render the jinja templates with knowledge of all # the model identifier keys (allows random_model and random_models to work) for filepath in filepaths: self._load_from_yaml(filepath, model_identifiers) self._loaded = True def _load_from_yaml(self, filepath: str, model_identifiers: Dict[str, List[str]]): """ Load fixtures from the given filename """ rendered_yaml = self.env.get_template(filepath).render( model_identifiers=model_identifiers) data = yaml.load(rendered_yaml, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) identifier_data = {} filename = os.path.basename(filepath) if filename in MULTI_CLASS_FILENAMES: for class_name in data: d, self.relationships[class_name] = self._post_process_yaml_data( data[class_name], self.factory.get_relationships(class_name)) identifier_data[class_name] = d else: class_name = filename[:filename.rfind('.')] d, self.relationships[class_name] = self._post_process_yaml_data( data, self.factory.get_relationships(class_name)) identifier_data[class_name] = d for class_name, d in identifier_data.items(): for identifier_key, instance_data in d.items(): self.model_fixtures[class_name][identifier_key] = instance_data def _post_process_yaml_data(self, fixture_data: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]], relationship_columns: Set[str], ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]], List[str]]: """ Convert and normalize identifier strings to Identifiers, as well as determine class relationships. """ rv = {} relationships = set() if not fixture_data: return rv, relationships for identifier_id, data in fixture_data.items(): new_data = {} for col_name, value in data.items(): if col_name not in relationship_columns: new_data[col_name] = value continue identifiers = normalize_identifiers(value) if identifiers: relationships.add(identifiers[0].class_name) if isinstance(value, str) and len(identifiers) <= 1: new_data[col_name] = identifiers[0] if identifiers else None else: new_data[col_name] = identifiers rv[identifier_id] = new_data return rv, list(relationships) def _ensure_env(self, env: Union[jinja2.Environment, None]): """ Make sure the jinja environment is minimally configured. """ if not env: env = jinja2.Environment() if not env.loader: env.loader = jinja2.FunctionLoader(lambda filepath: self._cache[filepath]) if 'faker' not in env.globals: faker = Faker() faker.seed(1234) env.globals['faker'] = faker if 'random_model' not in env.globals: env.globals['random_model'] = jinja2.contextfunction(random_model) if 'random_models' not in env.globals: env.globals['random_models'] = jinja2.contextfunction(random_models) return env @contextlib.contextmanager def _preloading_env(self): """ A "stripped" jinja environment. """ ctx = self.env.globals try: ctx['random_model'] = lambda *a, **kw: None ctx['random_models'] = lambda *a, **kw: None yield self.env finally: ctx['random_model'] = jinja2.contextfunction(random_model) ctx['random_models'] = jinja2.contextfunction(random_models)